The Truth About Buying Instagram Followers, Likes, and Comments
We often heard countless ballads and tales about how chasing this four-letter word turns into tragedy. But there is always something so flashy, so delightful in fame that despite the warnings, people still seek them.
Fame leads to success, power, countless opportunities, and people with big goals will want to tap on that.
In the past, only a few lucky individuals made it big after getting discovered by casting agents who would open the doors to superstardom for them.
With the rise of smartphones and social media, anybody can now be a star, and fame has become very attainable. But with everyone wanting to make it to the top, the competition has become more ruthless than ever.
So you want to be famous?
HBO’s social experiment/documentary, Fake Famous, will tell you that you will have to learn to fake it till you make it, and that includes buying Instagram followers and likes to jump start your influencer journey.
Let’s talk about that.
Warning: This is not your average holier-than-thou article, so prepare to hear some controversial truths.

One of the most controversial documentaries released during the height of the pandemic was HBO’s Fake Famous.
The documentary follows Nick Bilton as he hires three people with a relatively small following in a bid to turn them into Instagram stars.

From thousands of highly-talented applicants, the team chooses three people to undergo the experiment. There’s Dominique, a charming young lady who works at Lulumelons while waiting for her big acting break; Wylie, a struggling gay assistant to a Beverly Hills real estate agent.
He juggles starring in the documentary while working for his boss, often lying about his whereabouts when shooting scenes. Then, there’s Chris, a Black fashion designer from Arizona who moves to LA hoping to grow his custom-label business.
The three have different personalities, but they all said yes to HBO’s question, “Do you want to be famous?”
Just like the documentary’s title suggests, the methods of transforming these three hopefuls into famous influencers is far from authentic. Nick’s techniques to achieve influencer fame can be pretty deceiving or creative, depending on how you view it.
The premise is simple. Nick wants to transform these wannabes into real stars, the kind that they always wanted to be. And to do that (just as the documentary says) they have to do what most influencers do: fake it.
There are three steps to “fake it.”
Step 1: Look the part.
Step 2: Build the influencer portfolios.
To build the resume of these hopeful influencers, Nick and the team then set up different photoshoots to make the three look like they are doing ultimate influencer activities, such as:
- Vacationing in luxury hotels (they were actually shooting from a kiddie pool)
- Having sessions in a private, upper-class gym (it was just a normal gym downtown).
- Flying in private jets (they just rented a room that looks like a private jet’s interior for $50), and more.
Step 3: Buy Instagram Followers, Likes, and Comments
To solve that issue, Nick buys them followers and engagement on Instagram, and this is where the exciting part begins.

You’ll probably think that buying Instagram followers and engagements will only result in disaster.
But the exact opposite happened. Out of nowhere, brands and companies started reaching out to Chris and Dominque. While Chris gets a free session at a private gym, Dominique receives different free stuff, including jewelry and fashion items.
As Dominique’s followers grew, she also noticed that she was getting more auditions and callbacks than ever before. She also started getting more followers from real people (not bought) as users who came across her profile started to think she was truly famous.
Her videos started going viral, even without Nick buying any likes, comments, or engagement for them.
But perhaps her biggest success was when she was invited to an all-expense paid VIP influencer road trip worth $5000, along with other leading influencers in the industry.
From less than 2500 followers when they began the experiment, Dominique now has over 300K followers on Instagram.
But how about the rest of the participants? Well, they were not as successful as Dom, as they opted out in the middle of the experiment.
But who knows what they could have achieved if they continued to play the game like Dominique did?

So Does Buying Instagram Followers Really Work?
Yes, they do!
1. Buying Instagram followers and engagements works as long as you do it right.
2. Brands and companies don’t care that much about the “authenticity” of your platform.
What matters to them is the numbers. Even mega influencers like Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian top the list of Instagram users with fake followers, but they keep getting brand deals anyway.
3. Instagram will always be a number game.
You can just imagine how that applies to influencers and business pages.
There is no better way to prove one’s popularity and legitimacy than your follower count and the number of likes, comments, and other engagement on your posts.
4. Your Instagram metrics are a portal to countless opportunities.
She added that this matters in other aspects outside of Instagram, including getting hired and getting into relationships.
“If you don’t participate, you’re really locked out of a lot of opportunities that other people get.”

Where do I buy Instagram Followers, Likes, And Comments?
Luckily for you, InstaRush is here to help with your journey. We’ll connect you with the right providers that can truly help you grow your Instagram account by increasing your followers and engagement rate. Use our price comparison service to find the best deals for you.
Don’t miss out on any opportunity life has to offer. InstaRush is here to open the doors for you, one follower at a time.
Buy Instagram Followers and Likes to grow your account!
Nick Bilton from HBO tested if for you.
for the REAL LIFE test
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