How To Identify Instagram High-Quality Profiles From Bots

How To Identify Instagram High-Quality Profiles From Bots

Buy Instagram Engagement Safely!

Instagram high-quality profile vs bots guide

Buying Instagram growth services such as likes, comments, shares, followers, etc., can effectively boost your growth. However, they only work if you buy high-quality active accounts.

Not all providers deliver high-quality service. It is crucial to scrutinize the quality of profiles you get once you choose to buy these services. Getting low-quality profiles will only harm your Instagram account.

In this article, we will help you distinguish high-quality profiles from low-quality/ bots/ fakes. We will discuss why it is vital to buy high-quality accounts only and guide you to the right service providers that offer them. Let’s dive right in!

How To Distinguish High-Quality Profiles From Low-Quality/ Bots

It is easy to distinguish high-quality profiles from low-quality/ bots. Five main categories usually give their quality away: account name, bios, profile pictures, followers-following ratio, and posts.

Account Name

Low-quality profiles and bots have randomly generated names that sometimes don’t even make sense. There are instances that these accounts use full names to make it look legit, but the next four signs will give their quality away.


High-Quality profiles have a complete and well-written bio, just like any actual people with Instagram would. Low profiles don’t usually write their bios, and when they do, they often include suspicious links.
Instagram bot account example 2022

Profile Pictures

Fake accounts often use random photos downloaded from the internet or have no profile pictures at all. High-quality profiles have profile pictures from actual people.


Followers-Following Ratio

Low-Quality profiles often have a skewed Followers-Following Ratio. They follow more people and have way fewer followers.

High-Quality profiles have at least (emphasis on the at least) an even Followers-Following Ratio. It would be much better if they had more followers than accounts followed.



Low-Quality accounts either have zero posts or very few posts with very little engagement.

High-Quality accounts have plenty of content and a significant amount of likes and comments in them.

Instagram high quality profile 2022

Why It’s Important To Identify Low-Quality and Fake Accounts From High-Quality Ones?

It is very easy to buy Instagram likes, views, comments, etc. However, it is not always easy to find high-quality ones. Fake accounts are cheap and you can get them anywhere, but they don’t add value to your account.

Bots/ Fake Accounts/ Low-Quality Accounts. No matter what you call them, they all don’t work. The Instagram algorithm detects them easily. As a result, you will get unstable numbers because they often drop.

They also don’t give you valuable engagement. People are now smart enough to detect bots. Buying Instagram followers, likes and comments remain a taboo subject among other users.

Although a lot of people are doing it, others still think poorly of people who do.

When people find out that you are buying bots, your reputation will instantly suffer. People will start thinking that you are not as famous and as influential as they thought.

We buy Instagram growth services because we want to increase our followers and engagement rate. They are supposed to serve as social proof, a testament to our success to the platform. But if your followers are all fake, people will only end up losing respect for you.

Most importantly, since the Instagram algorithm can easily detect bots, buying them put you at risk of getting banned/shadowbanned.

Shadowbanned is when Instagram demotes your posts, hides them from your followers, and prevents them from getting into the explore page without warning you. Being banned means your account is disabled/ blocked on Instagram.

What Are The Benefits Of Buying High-Quality Accounts?


It has a high retention rate

High-quality profiles survive Instagram purges because the Instagram algorithm does not detect them.

It paves the way to organic growth

With established social proof, you have more chances of getting people to follow you. Once people see that you have real and active followers, they will trust you and most likely follow you too.

It enhances your visibility

The Instagram algorithm will help promote accounts with plenty of engagement on it. By drawing more people to your account, you get a higher engagement rate, and therefore higher chances of triggering the algorithm to work in your favor.

It gives you better engagement.

Whether you buy followers, comments, or likes, as long as they come from high-quality accounts, they will entice other people to engage in your posts.

People have always been fascinated by popularity. When they see that you have plenty of followers and you have a lot of people interacting with your posts, they are going to do the same.

But if they see that most of your comments are from suspicious profiles, they will try to stay away from your account.


They serve as social proof

The more followers you have, the more credible you look. Instagram is a number game, and as your follower count increase, your level of authority in a particular niche also rises. You can’t get this by buying fake followers.

Why It’s Important To Identify Low-Quality and Fake Accounts From High-Quality Ones?

Where Can I Buy High-Quality Accounts?

When buying Instagram growth services, it’s always much better to opt for high-quality accounts at all times. There are plenty of providers selling these services online, but not all of them sell quality accounts. Don’t worry because you don’t have to search far and wide to get the right provider.

InstaRush is here to connect you to the perfect provider for your Instagram growth needs. Our comprehensive price comparison service allows you to find and buy all your Instagram growth service needs at the lowest price.

We have a list of trusted providers, and we only promote merchants that deliver at least high-quality accounts. We can even connect you to providers that offer premium and real accounts! These are active Instagram accounts from actual people.

Whether you need followers, likes, comments, video views, or even the sought-after Instagram verification badge, we got you covered! Check out our offers now!



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