How To Buy Instagram Followers, Likes, And Comments Safely

You’ve probably already seen plenty of warnings about buying Instagram followers, likes, comments, and video views.
In April 2021, PR Week reported that 55% of Instagram influencers purchased followers, likes, comments, story views and engaged in non-organic activities to grow their profile. 66% of these accounts are Instagram mega-influencers and celebrities!
So why are these celebrities and big shot influencers still thriving if it’s truly dangerous to buy likes, followers, views, comments, etc?
The answer lies in the quality of accounts and engagements you are buying. The Instagram algorithm constantly improves to crack bots, so buying cheap artificial services will only get you banned immediately. You must find a service provider that regularly updates the quality of their services.
So, how do you buy Instagram influencer services safely?
Here’s how.
1. Check The Safety and Legitimacy Of The Website
There are plenty of scams online, and you must always stay vigilant. Some websites don’t even deliver their promise and simply run away with your money. Others are full of malware, while others got created with a pure intention to hack into your Instagram profile.
Make sure to stay away from dubious phishing sites that can end up harming you. To check if a website is safe, you can type in this URL followed by the site you want to check or an IP address.
Doing so will inform you if that website has hosted malware in the past 90 days.
2. Are They Selling Real Accounts Or Bots?
One of the risks when buying Instagram growth services such as buying views, likes, and comments is the possibility that the numbers will drop. It usually happens when the provider delivers you with bots or low-quality profiles. Instagram can easily detect these types of profiles and take them down. It results in unstable numbers. If you buy followers, your follower count can dramatically increase and decrease at some point.
Opt for service providers that sell real profiles and organic engagement only! These services could be a little more expensive, but they are worth the extra penny.

3. Read Reviews
Reading website reviews is one of the most effective ways to determine the quality of products and services. Legit providers are not afraid to post reviews of their customers, both good and bad. A website with no review is suspicious. Check out the dates and the profiles of these reviews if they are available as well.
4. View Their Trustpilot rating
Most importantly, take note of the customer’s experience. Are they happy with their purchase? Did they encounter problems and were they assisted? Will they want to buy the service from the same provider again?

5. Check The Terms And Conditions
6. Do They Offer Targeted Services?
There are other service providers that allow you to buy profiles that follow a specific interest/niche. Some even allow you to specify the gender of the profiles you are going to buy. Sites like Social Buddy use advanced targeting techniques to get you real profiles that will be interested in your content. Mr.Insta, Mediamister, and Famoid, are also some of the popular options.
7. Do They Have Active Customer Service?
8. Don’t Give Your Instagram Password
No matter what the service provider says, never give your password to them whenever you buy likes, followers, views, comments, or any service. Giving your password will simply put you at risk of getting hacked. Legit providers don’t ask for their client’s passwords. They only need your Instagram username to deliver your order.
If Instagram finds out that you gave your password to these services, they will send you a warning and an instruction to change your password.

9. Compare Prices
Don’t just buy from the first provider or website you come across. Shop around a bit, just like you normally would with other products. However, we understand that you don’t have all the time in the world to look around for providers. Don’t worry, because Insta Rush’s price comparison service will take care of that for you. No need to jump from one website to another and waste your time. We will be the ones to do the research and compare the ratings and prices so you could get the best deal!
Buy Instagram Followers and Likes to grow your account!
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